10th of October saw the official start to the 2024/25 Gulf Radical Cup, with a Pre-Season test at the Dubai Autodrome.
With a great turn out, some of the season favourites were there to test out new cars, start work on setup (back to the Hankook tyres), or for the newcomers, get that extra bit of seat time ahead of the first race in two weeks.
Usmaan Mughal, last year's Vice Champion showed his intentions by posting the fastest time of the day, but with Peri David not too far behind followed by Julien Monie it looked like these drivers had moved their pace on from last season.
George Harding, Ibby Hadeed, Joel Strijder were all there within a second of the front pace. So it will be impossible to predict who will be there when the flag drops at Round 1, all we can say is the racing is going to be close.
Great improvements were seen from Marcel Kopp and Rick Parish, and potential newcomers from the TTR and Continental team, making their racing debut at Round 1.
Looking ahead, entries have now come in from Japanese driver “Bankcy”, with his team mate Kiyoto Fujinami taking part from round two onwards.
We saw him last year for a few rounds but this season Ian Aguilera has thrown himself into the ring for the full GRC Season.
UK racer Andy Lowe, will arrive early for the Radical World Finals and also take part in round one.
Returning to the championship for a second season is also Joel Strider, Ibby Hadeed, George Harding and Peri David.
After three test days in three weeks, there is now a two week gap before racing kicks off at Round 1 on the 26th/27th October at the Dubai Autodrome.